Glory to God in the Highest. 

Blessed be the Name of the Lord!


I am a personal witness that Maria IS Healed - testimony of 2002 


This information was previously made public in news letters and on television

However, names have been changed in this sharing of some of the public testimony;

For further information about this healing contact us:  


Maria is my eight year old, beloved granddaughter.  I have always had a special connection with this child.  By the time she was three it appeared she was "different”.  She was easily angered and went into destructive, screaming rages.  I noticed also that she did not like to be touched or hugged.  Many times as I was leaving her home and her Mother would prompt her to “Give Grandma a hug." Maria would quickly reply, "No hugs for you, Grandma."


Maria's mother is a schoolteacher so Maria was at first in a home care environment and later at the YMCA.  When I would go to the YMCA to pick her up she was often in "time-out”.  The teacher at YMCA would comment that Maria was aggressive with other children.  Other times Maria would place herself in "time-out” by hiding under a table and covering herself with her jacket.  I called this cocooning.


As the time approached for kindergarten we had grave concerns about how Maria would fare in a structured classroom environment.  She had developed a great sensitivity to smell and exhibited a snorting behavior that was later diagnosed as Tourette’s syndrome.  This snorting tic resulted in Maria being placed in the hall outside the classroom so as to not disturb the rest of the class.


Maria's rages increased in duration, strength and frequency.  At the beginning of first grade she was a fearful child unable to cope with any stimuli.  She spent the majority of her time under her desk covered with her coat.  In the hottest weather she wanted to wear her coat on the playground  - actually all day.


Maria's mother taught on the same campus where Maria attended classes.  This became a problem when Maria would retreat to the safety of her mother's office.  With extreme stress and anxiety Maria would lock herself in the bathroom located adjacent to her mother's office.  This resulted in several teachers and administrators rushing to the bathroom door and a whole scene evolved.


There were times Maria was so distressed about going to school that she would refuse to get up and get dressed.  Maria's mother took the only action she felt possible.  She picked Maria up naked or near naked, placed her in the car with her clothes and gave her an ultimatum to dress on the way to school.  The principal got involved and said Maria was “oppositional defiant', ODD or possibly had a pervasive development disorder in the Autism spectrum.  Maria was later diagnosed by the neurologist and other various doctors as having ADHD, possible Bipolar disorder, Tourette's syndrome, Oppositional Defiant disorder, Obsessive Compulsive disorder, and Asperger's- high functioning Autism


I attended many ARD sessions where decisions were made to best serve Maria's needs in order to educate her.  These meetings brought about great stress in the whole family.  Wanda, her mother, was in between a rock and a hard place.  First she had to be Maria's advocate, but there was some concern regarding her relationship with the administrators on the campus.


At the end of the first grade, it was agreed that Maria would move to another campus and be placed in the 'Achieve' class.  Most of the students in Achieve class exhibit behavioral problems.  They did not relate well to other individuals and were academically behind second grade level.  The Achieve class size never exceeded a ratio of 6 students to 3 adults.


During all this time I would take Maria to the neurologist, who prescribed a cabinet of medications.  At other appointments a psychologist played chess, backgammon and other games with Maria in order to push her to the frustration point so he could teach her how to "cool off”.  Maria exhibited a desire to control all others around her.  If things did not go the way she wanted in the psychologist’s office i.e., she was losing at the game, she would just leave and go to my car and start blowing the horn to make me come take her home.


In June 2002, I wrote in my journal that Maria was becoming increasingly more violent and destructive.  She has two young male siblings - Mike and Derek.  One night when I was babysitting all three and Maria could not “have her way", she found a pellet gun and came into the room and aimed the gun at me while I was rocking the infant.  She threatened to shoot me.  I was afraid for the baby, but I spoke with great authority that she must put the gun down and never do that again.


During the months leading up to this instance, Maria and I had a quiet conversation regarding Adam and Eve.  I'm a member of a Bible study group and Maria always seemed intrigued that I "studied" the Bible.  In discussing Adam and Eve I explained that it was the devil in the form of a snake that tricked Eve into eating the apple.  Sometimes we know we are not supposed to do something, but the devil tells us it is okay. and to go ahead and do it.


Maria started talking rapidly, telling me that is what happens to her.  There is a "good" Maria and a "bad" Maria and lately the bad Maria is getting stronger.  It keeps telling her to “do it, do it, do it” and she doesn't really want to do it.  This really made me do some more thinking because I often felt the child was possessed or at least oppressed because of the way she would rage and her facial expressions would change along with the tone of her voice becoming a demanding growl.


Things started happening very fast during this time period.  Wanda met Karen, who had a son named James, who had been through a deliverance ministry and God had healed James.  Karen gave Wanda a video to watch and invited her to come to a Friday night praise meeting.


Whoa, Wanda knew our family had been a victim of deception in the past at the hands of a "minister" who lead people astray and. chose to treat the Bible as a buffet where you simply sample a few things and leave the rest behind.  She came to me and we began to pray.  When God wants to move people He grabs them by the nape of the neck.  You might say Wanda, Maria’s mother, was grabbed by the nape of the neck.  The next time she saw Karen, guess who was present - The Christian Counselor.  Maria was with Wanda and growled a demand to “Don't talk to her”' motioning to the counselor/minister.


We went to a Friday night praise meeting.  At the second visit, we had to take Maria. During the lesson Maria became physically abusive and growled orders at her mother.  At one point she opened the front door and left the property.  There was a lot of anxiety among us.  The Christian Counselor asked for two prayer warriors to go into a bedroom and begin praying for Maria. Finally, Maria came back inside and the evening ended with prayer (after much physical tussling) while Maria hid under her blanket.


The next step was the commitment to deliverance counseling by The Christian Counselor's prayer and ministry team.  After a few sessions it was time for Maria. I was present with her parents. I was amazed that she sat and matter-of-factly answered The Christian Counselor's questions and talked.  Usually she would clam up and not share any information.  At that first meeting, Maria had to give up her attachment to pacifiers, her love for unicorns and begin writing affirming sentences every day.  That was a lot for the first session.


At the succeeding session of prayer there were times that a spanking was necessary because Maria was openly defiant of assignments or instructions.  But as sessions continued we have seen a great transformation in this little girl - actually her entire family.  They are attending church, Maria and her brother Mike are very active in the Awana's program and eager to be there every week.  Maria is an ace at memorizing Bible verses and songs - as she says, "cinchy, Grandma!” Wanda plays praise music all night and Maria says she no longer has horrible dreams of her family being murdered.  Medications have been slowly withdrawn and today Maria is med-free.  This was a direct promise The Christian Counselor made to Maria during the first session of prayer.


Today you will see a little girl who can pray with the faith that many adults lack.  She is well aware that a cross symbolizes Jesus and He has come to live in her heart.  She wants to be baptized now because she is aware that is the public witness that Jesus lives in her heart.


This child has so touched my spirit with her faith and child-like ability to trust God.  One last story that might lift your heart.  When her mother was selecting colors to paint the bedrooms for the children, Maria's room would be blue and the boys would have light tan and maroon/red.  I disagreed over the colors for the boys' room fearing that it would be too dark and resemble a cave.  However, Maria encouraged me and said, 'No, Grandma, I wish my room were red.  Do you get it?  Red stands for the blood of Jesus and His blood will protect you from everything."


I don't know what the future holds for Maria and her family, but I do know God has begun a good work and will be faithful to complete it.  Let us praise God that He alone can snatch us from the jaw of the enemy and -set-us on solid rock.




P.s. I forgot to say that people, who are seeing Maria now and knew her prior to The Christian Counselor's ministry beginning their work, are amazed in the change in Maria.  Her pediatrician told me that Maria used to bounce off the walls and was so rude.  Now Maria is well-mannered and more patent and less demanding.


Teachers at the school Maria attended in the first grade cannot believe she is med-free and functioning normally.


Maria's grandfather says she looks different, but he doesn't know why.


Maria admits it will take time before her cousins and neighborhood children accept the fact that she is being healed and changed.  I told her to be patient because it takes a long time for some people to recognize change and trust the "new Maria”.


She is a singing, laughing, affectionate, cooperate little girl.  What a joy!  She wants everyone to come when she is baptized.  Maybe we should sing "Now I Belong to Jesus" the instant she rises from the water.



Update 2003 – almost a year now…  here is a brief summary-update by a non family member:  Maria is doing well.  I have observed her before being healed, during her brief episode of healing, to her present condition.  She plays normally with other children, one of which is my grand daughter.  She is in a second grade regular class now and not on medications.  She is attending Sylvan to catch up on her reading skills.  Many people have observed her countenance change from one of paleness with dry lifeless hair and appearance to one of vibrant happy energy.  She was baptized at her request and has performed in a Christian conference in front of an audience of children and adults.


She is a young (9 year old - 2003) girl with a bright future and we know she is miraculously healed in a lasting way.


To God be the glory, great things He has done, is doing, and will do …